Here I am...

My name is Sima Rastayesh. I am from Iran. I passed my bachelor and master in energy engineering in Science and Research of Tehran branch Azad University. My background is related to the field of risk and reliability engineering. I choose this position to apply as it was within the area of my expertise. I liked this position because I was interested to gain experience about wind turbines and use my background on that.
I am now happy to work with 12 ESR, which I feel they are more like my friends rather than colleagues. We had a great time together in Berlin and with some of them in Aalborg where I am now living.

Visiting wind turbine structure was one of my best event life, which I do not forget it. Hearing the sound of wind turbine from a short distance and even touch that with accompany of my supervisor and ESR9 and ESR12 was great.

I had a short presentation in our university which you can see the whole idea of my project on it.

I have three secondments, which I expect they would have help me both for my project and for having a nice time abroad.
This PhD is part of INFRASTAR, a Marie Sklodowska-Curie ITN Project. Secondments are planned at IFSTTAR (The French Institute of Sciences and Technology for Transport, Development and Networks) as part of the external collaboration
1st Secondment at IFSTTAR (France) for a period of two months mostly from August 2017 to September 2017.
2nd secondment at PHIMECA (France) for a period of two months from April 2018 to June 2018.
3rd secondment at COWI (Denmark) for a period of one month in August 2018


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