Eleven-month Ph.D. seminar

At Aalborg University, Ph.D. students should have a mini-defense of their work, which means they should present what they have done so far and what they have plan to do for the rest of their Ph.D., I also had this seminar. During my secondment, I tried to prepare myself for this presentation, which made me a bit stressful at that moment. It was a fantastic experience as it simulated a semi-defense for me. The questions of my reviewer helped me to stay on the track of my Ph.D. topic, especially to balance my publications and not to be so optimistic for many publications.

After my seminar, I have participated in the first implementation of our project!
I think for all ESRs took a bit time to really understand what will be happened in the implementation day, what are the expectations and what is the aim of these implementations and even more questions.
In each implementation day, each work package should present their work. The feedback from industries isreally helpful, especially in the round tables. I and Mariia also had a poster together; Their feedback was also helpful for us. This was our cooperation result.

After so much pressure, it was now time for me to go on holiday, with a great event! (will write to you in my next weblog)


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